The Ascent of Milla Reika (Part Two)

Prior to arriving in Japan, Milla Reika had never heard of Kinbaku.  It was not until well over a year into her stay that she would begin to learn about the hidden world of Japan’s SM culture and its connection to rope.

What brought you to Japan?  Was it to learn Kinbaku?

It was nothing related to Kinbaku at all.  It was just pure curiosity. I’d been back packing around the world for about three years prior, and was looking for somewhere to settle down for a year or two and just experience the culture and see what it was all about. That was during the time when I discovered Kinbaku and started on a completely different journey than what I went there for.


Interview: Milla Reika – Kinbaku Diaries


The Ascent of Milla Reika (Part 1)